Blue sky with scattering white clouds

Blue sky with scattering white clouds

( Photo was taken on 19 Aug 2015 )

It was a nice day on Saturday when I went to BTS station at Udomsuk . The sky is blue and decorated with scattering white clouds all over the sky . It’s look gorgeous . The blue tone of the sky goes so well with white tone of the scattering clouds . It’s look like the working of art on canvas . It’s the viewpoint from the sky train platform which is one of my favorite spot to shoot a photo because I can see the sky and scenery very clear from there .

This place and spot may be the same as my previous posting photos . But , the different time makes a different tone and feeling like a different place . No boring . So , this photo has a different tone and feeling when you compare with previous ones of the same place ( which are Cloudy and stormy ) . It make me feel fresh instead of gloomy .

Therefore , you may shoot the 10 photos of the same place ( even same angle ) but in the different time . So , it would make the variation 10 tones and feeling .